Get your Direct Mail Noticed!

By Crystal Pope

Make it visually appealing

A colorful design that is aesthetically pleasing will make your postcard stand out in the mail. A short, attention grabbing headline in a large, bold type will encourage the recipient to read it. Do not overcrowd your postcard. Make the text clear and concise. Bold the most important items and key pieces of information. Differentiate the offer/call to action from the rest of the text.

Make it relevant

Deliver the right message to the right person at the right time. Make sure your message and your offer are applicable to the recipient at the time they receive it. Target new homeowner’s with home services, immediately, before they have decided on their new service providers. Mail a “Happy Birthday” card to customer’s and/or prospects during the month of their birthday, offering them a discount or gift. Customers are much more likely to respond to an offer in which they have an interest in or need for, as opposed to generic offer that has no relevance to them.

Personalize it

Use variable data to develop a personalized campaign. Create a custom experience by including the recipient’s name, a personalized URL (PURL) or street/neighborhood name. Use images that appeal to the group you are targeting. The better you know your customers and prospects, the easier it is to send out relevant messages and the more likely they are to respond to your campaign.

Don’t make it your only form of marketing

Integrate your direct mail campaign into a multi-channel approach. Consumers, today, experience a flood of marketing messages, both online and off. Limiting yourself to one approach will leave room for your competitors to win over your customers and prospects. Evidence proves that a multi-channel approach to direct marketing delivers far better results than concentrating on one medium. Research shows that integrating digital advertising with direct mail can increase customer spend by almost 25%. To get noticed and make the most out of your marketing, utilize an integrated plan.

Stay Consistent

Keep the look and feel of your mailing consistent with your brand image. This builds recognition, brand identity and reinforces awareness of your company. If your business has a logo and color palette, use them in all forms of marketing and communication. Brand Identity ties together all of your marketing efforts.