6 easy to implement business planning strategies to help you jumpstart 2015 success: Step 3 of 6…Work The Numbers
Now that you know what your numbers are, it’s time to work your way backwards to divide up your goal into monthly, weekly, and daily activities.
This way each day, week and month looks like a mini plan.
I’ll give you an example. If you need 50 deals a year to realize your goal, you’ll need better than four deals a month to hit your goal.
Shoot for six per month then work out what activities you need to do daily to hit those goals and create a visual to keep you on track. Same with your annual budget – break it down to monthly and weekly expenses. This will all give you the track you need to stay the course.
(Now all you have to do is decide how FAST you want to DRIVE on that track! :-))
So over-reach. There’s always fall-through.
If you want a little help on your marketing plan, using any of our programs or products, just give me a jingle! Andy.kidgell@prospectsplus.com or 941-465-4232. We want to see 2015 be your best year ever!