Simple, Effective Postcard Copy Rules
I absolutely love and find this one particular thing amazing at the same time. It’s when you see an advertisement for something that is ‘New & Improved’. What was wrong with the old version that you had to make significant changes to it to get me to buy it? Does it clean better, or last longer, or whatever makes it superior? And – this is the part that amazes me – why didn’t it clean better or last longer or whatever the first time you tried selling it to me?
There is something to be said about doing something consistently and correctly the first time – and every time. Formulas for postcard copy are proven, they work like a charm, they’re infinitely repeatable, and when used correctly, return out of this world results! Like a grandfather’s aftershave or the undeniable radioactive half-life of dad jokes, these 5 Rules for Postcard Copy, live on due to their simplicity, effectiveness, and ease of use.
1.) Link the headline to the body immediately – Don’t waste time! They’re looking at the postcard because the headline has grabbed their attention. Don’t add dead air or useless commentary between the headline and the body or you’ll risk losing them completely. Pull the reader in with the headline and then KEEP their attention by getting to the point as quickly as possible.
2.) Tell the prospect what to do – I mean this in the nicest way possible, of course. You’re leading the prospect in the direction of fulfilling or acting on your Call-to-Action. Don’t just assume the reader is connecting the dots. Politely, but firmly, ask the prospect to make the next move. Go to a website (landing page) or just give you a call. Any way you do it, the first step is leading that horse to water.
3.) Make the Benefits the star of the postcard – The service or product you’re offering might be the best thing since sliced bread, but the prospects care about what it will do for them. Put the most important benefits in lights and ensure you’re hitting the right notes to attract them to how it will make their lives easier or less stressful.
4.) Dumb it down – That sounds so much worse than it is. I promise. What I mean by that is take advantage of the seconds you have with your prospect. Large words, wordy sentences, or complexities of ANY kind will turn them off. Keep the language and approach simple, attractive. The postcard’s job is to get them from Point A (introduction) to Point B (sale, lead, etc.) as smoothly as possible. Make it easy for them and you’re increasing your chances of success.
5.) Perform a Copywriter’s Rough – This is basically like drawing out a plan or blueprint before getting down to brass tacks. Imagine where you want the copy, where the pictures should go, what the colors might be, what the background could show. You’ll want to capture specific points in the layout and design at this stage. Does the font of the headline play off of the body well, or should that change? Is the imagery too large, is it taking over the benefits you’re wanting to stress? Fun stuff like that.
Those may sound like a lot of rules to apply to a 3 1/2-by-5 1/2 inch space (at the tiniest), but when followed correctly, you’ll be in awe of the difference it can make to be structured and keep those five things in mind. Your postcard will thank you for it. Your lead generation and/or sales will thank you for it. And your wallet will thank you for it, too.
Direct Mail coaches are ready and waiting to show you some great ways to put these rules into practice. Your success is our success, and we’ve got the rules down pat. The only thing New & Improved will be your results. And we’re proud to help in any way we can – with or without the Aqua Velva. Set up a free coaching call today!