Four Seldom Used, but Ultra-Effective Tricks to Create Instant Social Relationships
Remember, today’s consumer wants a sense of community, a platform to be heard, and an avenue to get involved.
Use these 4 seldom use, but ultra-effective tricks and watch your relationship grow faster than you can imagine.
1. Use your new Facebook link on your direct mail.
Put your link in your direct mail piece and tell them to post on your Facebook page for discounts or free stuff. I see restaurants doing this all the time. One restaurant direct mail campaign told recipients to visit their Facebook fan page and simply post “I got free stuff for reading my mail.” When they posted…they actually got free stuff! It was an instant cross media, direct mail and social success.
2. Give your followers FREE stuff and they will trust you forever!
Speaking of free stuff…after you give your followers free stuff, give them MORE free stuff. Giving your followers free promotions, information, reports, content, testimonials and videos is a great way to build a relationship. You are viewed more as their advocate than as a creepy sales company just trying to get their business.
3. Do this and you will have people begging for your postcards!
Send out a few random postcards using our technique we taught in Trick #1 with coupons and offers. Then jump on your Facebook page and start talking about it. Just remember…you have to be subtle. You can’t just say it directly. Say, “Jack got this great offer in the mail and now he’s enjoying his set of golf clubs he got for 50% off.” Do something like that just a few times and you could get people asking how they can get in on that. If the offer is good, you will soon have people begging you to send them your postcards.
4. Want better postcard marketing response? Spill the beans through social media.
You can hype a direct mail piece before it even gets to the customer’s mailbox. That way, they’ll be looking for it and more likely to respond. A social media post after the mailing, something as simple as, “Have you registered for that webinar yet?” or, “Did you receive your coupon?” can remind those who may have forgotten and prompt them to act. As an added bonus, people who didn’t receive the mail piece may inquire about your offer, and you now have a new lead without any extra money or effort.