Multi-Channel Marketing – Part 1: The Foundation

Most marketers would agree that print has lost its effectiveness, bringing sub 1% response rates.  Those who bought into the snake oil of internet only marketing have now found that to be largely ineffective as well. The effectiveness of any single- media outreach disappeared with the 20th Century.

Enter 21st Century marketing technologies, where static, generic print is being replaced by print that is tailored specifically to the recipient.  This tailoring or personalization is based on data collected from a variety of media including, direct mail, online, and mobile.

Having lived and breathed these technologies for a number of years now, we have gained an understanding of this technology in a way that is unique to our industry.

As we fly through the first month of 2012 and marketing budgets are getting set, most business owners have a hard time figuring out how to be more efficient…

Digging deep into what had the highest ROI last year or trying to determine what got you the most bang for your buck is a good start, but you need to really ask yourself this question:

“Who is Your Best Customer, and Why?”

If you have a hard time answering that question in detail, or you missed last weeks article, we highlighted a new, simple to use called the Customer Snap Shot. It actually determines who your best and most valuable customer is for you.

The only way to ensure you are maximizing your marketing budget, tracking your ROI, and marketing smarter is to create a relevant, personalized campaign over multiple different media channels.  This is Multi-Channel Marketing.

Start by having a conversation with your customer, regardless of media channel or platform.  Collect customer preference and practice customer-focused marketing, understanding what they need, who they are, and what triggers them to act.

Once you have a good understanding of who your best customer is, you will need to lay a solid foundation of impressions.

There is no better tool to do this than Direct Mail.

For those who have a strong idea of who they need to target, or are already using our Customer Snap Shot, now is the time to plan out your direct mail campaigns.

Also, if you’re not already using personal URL’s like ( to drive customers online, then you’re maximizing ROI.

A personalized url, or PURL is a special web address. It includes a combination of a regular url, or web address, and your respondent’s name. Created from a targeted database, each PURL leads to a dynamic landing page that is built to meet the individual preferences of your respondent.  The end result is higher response rates and more prospects turning into customers.

Your direct mail campaign is the most cost effective way to keep your brand in front of your current and potential customers all year around. It builds trust in your company and at the same time keeps your brand at the top of their mind.

Also, keep in mind: By profiling your current customers and sending a simple direct mail campaign, you will be able to save marketing costs by hitting buyers versus prospects.

Over the next few weeks we will be highlighting different multi-channel marketing programs that will help you build a 21st century marketing campaign.

Stay tuned for Part 2:  Data Management & Email Marketing