4 Killer Growth Strategies Despite COVID-19
COVID-19 has so many people in a twist. That’s one way to start an article, right? Well, today in my back yard I was inspired by weeds of all things, because they keep me in a twist. I’d sprayed my landscaping the day before and I was checking on my handiwork to make sure I was actually getting rid of the invaders. While it’s normal – and dreaded – for weeds to pop up where you don’t want them, so can uncertainty around your business and its future.
And it hit me: COVID is weed killer! And right now, too many people think it’s going to kill their business. We’ve all got to get out of that mindset, and take a stand. We need to make plans to combat as much as we can, in support of our businesses, and the future.
The time is now for growth. The time is now to take advantage of the opportunity to breathe life into this business you’ve devoted yourself to. It’s time to lean in. Today, we’re positive. Today, we’re going to make this work. And today, I’ve got 4 Ideas to Help Your Business Blossom during the pandemic!
1.) Make a REAL connection – We’ve all done business with someone, whether they were a client or a peer or a supplier, and found that although the service or product you got from them was great, maybe even exceptional, there was zero connection…and zero reason you’d be drawn to using them again. With so much focus right now on interpersonal connections, the time is ripe for using a well-written postcard campaign to introduce your company, and yourself to a new audience.
2.) Show them their pain – You need to point out to your prospects the pain they don’t yet know they have (or want to acknowledge). This is called latent pain. Your business isn’t the Band-Aid, it’s the cure!
3.) Be generous – Every for-profit business exists to make money. Every non-profit organization exists to try and make life better for the communities they serve. No matter your type of business, it is the simplest thing in the world to give back. Let your target audience see the generosity you have toward kids or animals or even your town. Sponsor a fundraising 10K or a youth baseball team. Seeing that you’re willing to give of yourself can be a huge leg up on your competition simply from the publicity and the name recognition, alone!
4.) Pump You Up – Just like SNL’s Hans & Frans, you’ve got to put in the work to grow. It’s going to be virtually impossible to grow without hitting bumps or obstacles along the way. Embrace the suck, right? And understand that even in times like this, COVID is but a dot along your path to business success. Strong marketing, even in a pandemic or crisis, is key to your survival. While the competition is retreating, you should pounce. But plan efficiently and sensibly.
A gardener’s reputation isn’t built on doing nothing throughout the season, and then suddenly producing magnificent plants and flowers. On the contrary, dedicated attention is paid to each and everything, down to the roots, to ensure success. They are growing and producing and harvesting in exactly the same manner that any business owner does. There is a set of practices they follow, there are specific ingredients and products applied at set times, and there are expected results they hope to achieve from the application of those ingredients and products. And in the end, they have something spectacular to show for their efforts.
Pushing your way through this pandemic using tips and strategies and sound practices to bring you success in your business relationships (and ultimately your bottom line) can be easy with the right plan. Don’t let COVID get you in a twist.
Give Opportunity Knocks a call today. We have Success Coaches with green thumbs in postcard Direct Mail standing by, ready to get down in the dirt, and help you develop a plan to grow a winning campaign!