Focus on the Prospect
I’m hoping it’s obvious, or that it translates, or that it makes sense to you – whatever way you choose to make the connection – but I try to think of something at the beginning of my articles that will help you tie into the subject that week. There needs to be a correlation between the information I’m giving and WHY I’m giving it to you.
I can’t explain it, but today the first thing I thought of was the venerable Mary Poppins. And then it made sense. Today, we’re focusing on the customer.
Magic and trickery aside, she was tasked with the raising and well-being of those three little children in her charge. And even though we aren’t raising our prospects, and very few of us have magical powers, the central idea we must adhere to for achieving the best results for sales or lead generation, is focusing solely on our prospect in direct mail postcard campaigns. There are Five Ways to Put the Prospect at the Center of any postcard campaign:
- Start w/the Prospect, not the product – This is as not self-explanatory as you might think because the first thing most people want to do when the design a postcard is highlight their product or service. “Award-winning Customer Service” or “The Best Burger in Town” or “Five Star Approach to Getting It Right”. Prospects need to know what you’re going to do for them. “Cut Your Prep Time IN HALF!” or “Never mow your own lawn again!” or “Make the Class Reunion Wonder WHO You Are!” Appealing to them, and their need, is magnetic and it’s a great way to keep them reading.
- Prospects are interested only in themselves – At least initially, prospects don’t care about you. There is no bond formed, and there is no expectation of a relationship. The prospect wants to know what you’re going to do for them. How are you going to solve their problem? How are you going to improve their lives and daily existence?
- Product is of secondary importance – If a ham sandwich could provide prospects whatever ‘the benefit’ is they’re looking for, they’d buy it. The product, itself, is second in importance to its ability to cure what ails them. Focus on what the prospect expects to receive in return for taking a financial chance on what you want to sell them.
- Effective copy speaks directly to the prospect – The front and back of a postcard isn’t where you want to gamble with fluff or hyperbole. You have a finite amount of time to capture a prospect’s attention and make their brain consider calling the number, going to the landing page, or scanning the QR Code. In that time, you’ve got to make the interaction count. Be direct, be informative, and be persuasive. ‘Speak’ to the prospect with confidence and break up the sentences for easier consumption.
- Resist the urge to make copy generic (writing to an imaginary person, focus on them) – You’re not writing postcard copy in hopes of capturing the attention of random targets. If you’ve used the right target marketing, everyone on your mailing list should be someone who would see benefit from your product. Write the postcard copy as though you’re speaking directly to that one prospect, that one person who needs what you’re selling. This is a great way to ensure that everybody who stops and reads your postcard has at least a tiny feeling that you’re speaking right to them.
I’m not saying that magic and trickery aren’t useful approaches at times. It depends so much on the product or service you’re promoting, the target audience you’re trying to reach, and the desired effect of the postcard campaign. But even when gimmicks are considered, and used, you have to make sure that the prospect is at the center of the approach.
Give Opportunity Knocks a call today. Our Success Coaches don’t need a spoonful of sugar to help you create fantastic and memorable postcard campaigns. We’re standing by to help you focus on your prospects in the most delightful way.