(Em)Powering Your Postcard Success

I don’t think many of us these days think we’re moving more slowly or doing less with our days. Business, and everything that powers it, continues to spring along at its brisk pace, regardless of the holidays or our commitments to which, therein. The end of the year did not guarantee a slowdown in sales, effort given, or the expectations for the year to come. And with the continued rebound postcard Direct Marketing is seeing, this year promises to be even better.

There exists some interesting information on this particular branch of marketing, and postcards are considered a mainstay. These five elements highlight just some of the reasons why postcards are popular now, and why they’ll continue to help you squeeze the most from your marketing dollar in the future:

  • Higher response rates in 2022 – The pandemic, as awful as it was in the beginning for in-person businesses, it was great for marketing through postcards. We saw great response rates from leads and repeat customers through this specific marketing tool. That wave should continue into 2022 as people have become more and more receptive to the postcard as their starting point for a purchase.
  • A recommitment to postcard marketing – Given the explosion in response rates, a business who isn’t currently taking advantage of postcards is losing out. And a business who might have utilized postcards in the past but gotten away from them for whatever reason should seriously recommit. With the right campaign, aimed at the right target, the ROI will be off the charts. Never leave money on the table.
  • Shifting from quantity to quality – Why anyone would employ a shotgun blast approach to postcard Direct Marketing never made sense to me. There is a mountain of companies who can help you tailor your target market so specifically that you know exactly to whom your sending postcards – and why (e.g., they’ve purchased from postcards before, so they’re more likely to do so again). The demographic information you can buy or rent makes narrowing your campaign almost surgical. With information and technology available today, you know whom to target…and most importantly, whom not to target.
  • Using an interactive DM postcard – Speaking of technology, today we’re able to marry the present and the future. QR Codes are everywhere. During the pandemic, anyone who went to a restaurant or brewery was immediately pointed toward a table stand-up offering their menu via a quick scan of your phone. Do the same with your postcard. A great headline, some curiosity-generating copy, and a Call-to-Action prompted by scanning the QR Code makes the postcard interactive. They’re reading your copy, but taking that next step, putting their skin in the game, to check out your offer, to learn more about the product or solution, or to get to know you as the owner or manager, and decide right then and there that they’ll patronize your business.
  • Sending prospects to your social media – We’ve talked about this before. Social media can be a fantastic tool…if you know how to use and manage it. Directing leads and clients to social media can help you stay in touch with your buying audience, potential clients, and even position yourself for your competition. Which platforms make the most sense not only for you, but for your target audience? Most seniors probably aren’t on TikTok or Instagram. Is Facebook the way to reach your target? And if not those, what platform is up and coming? Whichever you choose, stay on top of the content and the replies/comments.

Postcards are ever popular. Believe it or not, but postcards remain incredibly effective when marketing to Millennials. They love so much about postcards, not including the physicality of holding paper in their hands, not having their In Boxes crammed to the brim, and with the right approach, you can get your postcard into their hands and turn that experience into a sale much more quickly, confidently, and less-expensively than you might imagine.

Business will hopefully continue to move forward, rebounding in all markets. Time isn’t going to slow down, and neither will the demands to please clients and grab more leads. Give Opportunity Knocks a call. We’ve got Success Coaches standing by ready to help you take advantage of everything a great postcard campaign can do for you…now AND in preparation for the new year.