How to Create Referrals on Demand – Constant Visibility

Now that you have a clear understanding about the psychology behind the referral and how a simple conversation can spark new business. The real question is how do you activate this power of suggestion and get more referrals on a daily biases?

Imagine having a discussion at work with someone who mentioned that they are planning a big trip to New York City. You only chatted with them for a few minutes, but when you got home, you open a magazine and see a two-page advertisement about traveling to New York City.

“Secret New York Travel Tips To Get Insider Treatment and Save Money”

The article is full of discounts, ways to save money, the best places to eat, shop, and see. It lists websites to print coupons and gift cards for local restaurants as well as other events. It is an absolute gold mine of information for anyone traveling to the Big Apple.

As soon as you see the article, you notice that it’s about New York. You think about your co-worker and the discussion you had earlier, because it’s fresh on your mind.  Sure enough, you cut out the article and bring it to work the next day to show your friend.

The above story represents how our minds work and how we can be influenced by a simple conversation. Below we will explain how your business can orchestrate referrals each and every month.

If your goal is to increase the number of referrals you get, we need to first increase the number of times that people you know notice when a conversation is about your product or service.

You can do this by using the power of suggestion to plant seeds of awareness in their subconscious mind. When people are engaged in a conversation about our industry they need to know exactly what to suggest or discuss about a company.

You want your current customers as well as prospective clients to see your business and brand on a weekly, if not daily, biases. Whether it is an email, phone call, text message, Facebook status update, or direct mail offer, being seen will ensure that you are remembered.

In addition, there are other ways to secure that referral. Lets take a holiday like the New Year for example. Someone might be talking about efforts to loose weight or workout more. Or, someone might be talking about getting a new roof or home improvements done. If we know those conversations are likely, we can show people exactly what to do when they hear someone talking about getting a gym membership, or adding an addition on to their home. By offering incentive to past and current customers for referrals as well as training employees on the importance of repeat business, you can put a system in place that will generate referrals on a regular biases.

It is essential, that current, past, and future customers have your company and brand at the top of their mind every time someone mentions anything that has to do with your business. In addition, employees, vendors, friends, and family members should be just a prepared to suggest your business at the first sign of your service being discussed.

Stay tuned for part 3 of “How to Create Referrals on Demand