5 “Must Know” Stats for Instant Direct Mail Success
If you’ve never eaten a Low Country Boil, you are truly missing out. They’re Heaven on a plastic tablecloth that I devour every chance I get invited to a Southern back-yard party or family summertime event.
A Low Country Boil is to me what you want your postcard campaigns are to your prospects and clients: pure excitement!
The great news is that part of your job in creating the excitement around a postcard campaign has already been done for you. In fact, these 5 Direct Mail Head Starts set the table for immediate impact:
1.) 46% of consumers are more likely to buy from a company they already know – This doesn’t mean they have to have already bought from you, but name recognition goes a long way in setting the stage for a potential sale. This is a great example of why you’d be inclined to create several, inexpensive, ‘introductory’ campaigns to prospects who aren’t on your existing client list. Attractive presentation, simple message, and an easy approach to showcasing your name (not necessarily your product or service) can, with repeated attempts, burn you into their subconscious.
2.) 67% of online searches are the result of printed material – You don’t have to rely on your postcard to be the ‘final destination’ for your marketing proposition. I’ve written about the magic of Landing Pages and strong Calls-to-Action which spur continued interest in your product or service. Using the postcard as a springboard to a more dynamic and interactive experience for your prospect can be very profitable!
3.) 70% of Americans say physical mail is more personal than email – Okay, so it’s not a birthday card from your grandmother, but receiving mail properly addressed to you (I’ve told you before to never use the dreaded “Or Current Resident” approach) can be comforting and is absolutely personal. Someone is reaching out to you, asking for your opinion, seeking your vote of confidence? Sign me up.
4.) 80% of consumers will give your postcard a passing glance, at a bare minimum – Now is the time to capture their attention! What is it about the presentation that creates excitement or curiosity for them? What is drawing them in and making them turn the postcard over to see what other amazing thing is on the other side? Those 80% of consumers have to read what they’re about to decision, so make the most of the time you have!
5.) 87% of people ‘believe’ Direct Mail – As an industry, we’ve gone above and beyond in removing the ‘Junk Mail’ stigma from the way we choose to market goods and services. And because of that effort, Direct Mail postcards in mailboxes are given more legitimacy and careful consideration. “I can probably use this. I’ve read the messaging, and I think I can actually see benefit from this product.” I’m no author, but that’s how I imagine the conversation in my head.
The USPS sent over 142 BILLION pieces of mail in 2019! Imagine that’s a huge Low Country Boil. With genuine messaging, delicious offers, thoughtful presentation, and testimonials spread out before your prospects, their excitement at the opportunity you’re giving them is the head start you need to max out your ROI and translate into leads and sales!
Give Opportunity Knocks a call today. We have some pretty awesome Success Coaches in clever aprons and Direct Mail chefs’ hats standing by, armed with all the ingredients you’ll need to create a fantastic postcard campaign.